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Annette Vande Gorne

Workshop spatialisation

workshop | Annette Vande Gorne

During this workshop, Annette Vande Gorne offers a theoretical and practical introduction to the spatialization of sound through the discovery of electroacoustic/acousmatic music (listening without seeing) composed in the studio and projected into space by a spatializing performer.

Flagey, Week van de Klank / Semaine du Son

Following her classical studies at the Royal Conservatories of Mons and Brussels and with Jean Absil, Annette Vande Gorne discovered acousmatics during a workshop in France. Convinced of the revolutionary nature of this art form, she studied musicology (ULB, Brussels) and electroacoustic composition with Guy Reibel and Pierre Schaeffer (CNSM, Paris). She founded and ran Musiques & Recherches and the Métamorphoses d’Orphée studio (Ohain, 1982), as well as a series of concerts and an acousmatic festival called “L’Espace du son” (Brussels, 1984, annual since 1994), thanks to the creation of an 80-speaker “Influx” acousmonium. In 1998, she initiated the musical aesthetics review “Lien”, a thematic publication which under the direction of Francis Dhomont, was the first to focus on the space of sound.  Vande Gorne is also the founder of “Métamorphoses” an acousmatic composition competition and the only spatialized performance competition, “Espace du Son”, gradually becoming the only documentation center for electroacoustic music. Since 1980, she has spatialized over 600 concerts on acousmonium: her own works and those of other composers.

In the context of

The Week of Sound 2024