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Nelson Goerner / Marco Borggreve

Brussels Philharmonic, Nelson Goerner

Opening concert of Flagey Piano Days 2022

We often associate Italian music only with the great opera composers. As a result, we often forget masters such as Giuseppe Martucci, a contemporary of Giacomo Puccini. Martucci did not write operas, but made a career as a pianist, conductor and composer of instrumental works, inspired by Brahms and Schumann. Italian lilt and German grandeur find each other in his Second Piano Concerto, performed for the occasion by artist-in-residence Nelson Goerner. The Brussels Philharmonic closes the evening with one of the greatest sources of inspiration for Martucci: Brahms' magisterial Third Symphony.

Flagey, Brussels Philharmonic

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Brussels Philharmonic, Nelson Goerner | 17.02.22 at Studio 4, Flagey
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