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L'Abbé Pierre - une vie de combat (Frédéric Tellier)

Immense Festival

In March, Cineflagey is collaborating with the Immense Festival for two unique screenings: L'Abbé Pierre, une vie de combat, by Frédéric Tellier, and Le Cri des Coquelicots, by Mélissa Laurent and Elisa Vdk, followed by a meeting with the directors.

The immense festival is a series of events (cultural, interactive, scientific), meetings-debates-testimonies and workshops, to better understand "immensity" (= survival without an authentic home) and eradicate sans-chez-soirisme (= correction of the evil called "homelessness"). As Finland proves, homelessness is not a tragic inevitability, but a societal choice and the fruit of political (non-)decisions. What's more, (re)housing people would cost less than trying (unsuccessfully) to make their lives as inhuman as possible.

With the support of the Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
