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Celebrating Peatlands / Christiana Jane Herringham

Celebrating Peatlands

an evening of art & music

Join us on Thursday 30 May at 6pm in Flagey to learn more about peatlands!

Peatlands are unique wetland ecosystems that play a crucial role by both mitigating and adapting to the climate crisis by storing significant amounts of carbon, filtering and retaining fresh water, and providing habitat for diverse plant and animal species.

The event showcases the connection between peatlands and art, featuring a photo exhibition, piano concert and sound performance, that are inspired by and pay tribute to peatlands around the world.

Wetlands International Europe

Serge Giacomotto started learning piano at the age of 9 in the Conservatoire Municipal du centre de Paris. He was taught under Igor Lavrov, Valery Sigalevitch and Claudio Chaiquin until the age of 18 when he moved to London. Without a piano or teacher in London, he practiced alone at night, pretending to study music to use the practice rooms of his university. Serge’s repertoire ranges from Bach to Prokoviev, with a particular appreciation for romantic music. This is his second concert supporting Wetlands International Europe.

Jasmina Al-Qaisi is a poet who writes for voice and paper, articulates and performs language with sound, food or care practices towards uncontainable forms of literature. When writing with sound, Jasmina shape-shifts in inexistant institutional forms, invents jobs, engages in human and more than human relations and broadcasts temporarily on public radios.

Kevin Feytons grew up in the countryside of Belgium with a passion for being outdoors. Around the age of 20, the spark really ignited to capture all that natural beauty with his camera, share it and convince people of its unique and irreplaceable beauty in a rapidly changing world. Looking for stunning landscapes and the natural behavious of animals, he hopes to contribute with the preservation of our beautiful planet.