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Toots Thielemans

Toots’suite + Intérieur Nuit – Aka Moon

Fred Van Besien, David Lachterman + Richard Wandel

Sonuma is teaming up with the Brussels Jazz Festival to screen portraits of Toots Thielemans and Aka Moon: two studies of the Belgian jazz scene.

Flagey, Sonuma

Toots’suite (Fred Van Besien, David Lachterman)
BE – 1984 – 52’ – FRE OV – NO SBT
Flitting between New York and Brussels without skipping a beat for an hour of music, vibes and witty interplay with Toots Thielemans; the best harmonica player in the world strikes up an easy affinity with the Belgian television production team.
Intérieur Nuit – Aka Moon (Richard Wandel)
with Fabrizio Cassol, Michel Hatzigeorgiou, Stéphane Galland, Philippe Lemoine
BE – 1994 – 38’ – FRE OV – NO SBT
In 1994, the show Intérieur Nuit explored Aka Moon’s remarkable career. Get to know this unique Belgian jazz band through numerous concerts in Brussels and interviews with writers and musicians, including Toots Thielemans.