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Film Factory

Short films from the students of Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre Horta

Is film capable of portraying the introspective theme of the festival?

Revisiting topics such as tattoos, baptism, death and frustration, students of Faculté d'architecture La Cambre Horta (ULB), option Architecture and Cinema (1), have created a series of short films. The project is a collaboration with ULB students of Philosophy and Social Sciences (2) and with photographer and cineast Marie-Françoise Plissart. They bring their personal, sensitive and colourful representation of the bond between body, religion and the rites of contemporary city life.

(1) Course founded and coordinated by Roxane Enescu (2) Course lectured by Maïté Maskens

Visitors can exchange thoughts with the filmmakers all day in Foyer 1, where their photographic work will be exhibited.


  • Naiara Abrahão - l’Espace Indicible
  • Emile Berte la Chapelle Hermétique.
  • Lisa Martin - Quête
  • Fyona Yahiaoui, Basile Bracke, Valentin Colleony Résilience
  • Alexandre Winkin - La place de l’enfant
  • Carla Debarre, Niko Gaboriau - DIVERCITE
  • Nicolas De Bruyn - Le Passage
  • Dimitri Rosar, Marie Haudrechy, Mateya Stoycheva – L’Echappée
  • Zainab Faidani, Yasmin Allaouzi, Nadir Toumi – 1+1=3
  • Marta Ranaldi, Carmine Montuoro – Dionysos 19
  • Aya Akbib, Ismail Afailal – The Presence.
  • Willaume Louis, Mohamed Korrir, Ben Amou – Rites. 
  • Manon Vanwelkenhuysen - Rythmi-city
  • Diane Estruch, Lisa Brugière, Morgan Przeracki– TRANSIT. 

Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta ULB, Flagey

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Religion in the City | aftermovie