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Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir / Kaupo Kikkas

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir

Tõnu Kaljuste, dir.

A year and a half after their Flagey debut, the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir returns with a thoroughly Estonian music programme. The jubilant piece by Estonian contemporary composer Toivo Tulev is titled ‘Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice’. It perfectly captures the atmosphere of the night. Sacrality and poetry go hand in hand in the new music of Riho-Esko Maimets – commissioned by Flagey –, but the musical highlight will undoubtedly be the 1990 Berliner Messe by Arvo Pärt, whose modesty and joy will leave no one unmoved.

Flagey, Arvo Pärt Centre, ULYSSES network, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union, Goethe-Institut Belgien

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Arvo Pärt Days 2019