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The Milk Factory / Geert Vandepoele

The Milk Factory

Album release : Aula (2020, W.E.R.F. records)

The Belgian group The Milk Factory does not make music of Great Gestures, but of little gestures rather. Dreamy intimacy and shuffling playfulness, but with a lot of openness and breathing space. From minimalist passages and cool sounds to warm harmonies and searching melodies, this is interaction that betrays a collective lyricism that is overpowering. The Milk Factory opens this label night dedicated to The W.E.R.F. records with the presentation of their very first album. Just as voluminous sounds sometimes leave you with impressions that dissolve quickly, the group plays songs that, despite their discreet approach, lose none of their impact.

Flagey, W.E.R.F. records

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