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Collegium Vocale Gent / Michiel Hendrickx

St. Matthew's passion - J.S. Bach

Collegium Vocale Gent, Phillippe Herreweghe

On Good Friday, 11 April 1727, Johann Sebastian Bach’s St Matthew Passion was performed for the first time during the vesper service in the Thomaskirche in Leipzig. It’s obvious that the composer himself realised that this work would take the history of music in an unprecedented direction. The strong internal cohesion of the narrative, the vast instrumentation of three choirs and two orchestras, the incredible variety of styles and the dimensions of this three-hour musical passion were unheard of. The emotional impact of this masterpiece has not diminished with time!   

Flagey, Ambassade d’Allemagne Bruxelles / Duitse Ambassade Brussel

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Collegium Vocale Gent, Herreweghe «Bach: Matthäuspassion»
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Collegium Vocale Gent | 13.04.22 at Studio 4, Flagey