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Vox Luminis / Tom Blaton

Vox Luminis

Musicalische Exequien – Schütz

As the Thirty Years’ War raged around them, Lutherans considered death to be the true fulfilment of their earthly existence. Prince Heinrich von Reuss organised his funeral down to the finest detail, from the music to the coffin itself. He asked Heinrich Schütz, one of Johann Sebastian Bach’s great inspirations, to compose the music for his funeral ceremony. The result was the unique collection of motets, Musicalische Exequien. This, and other famous motets by Schütz, are at the heart of the programme from the internationally renowned Belgian ensemble Vox Luminis conducted by Lionel Meunier.


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Schütz: Musikalische Exequien I - Vox Luminis
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Vox Luminis | 28.04.22 at Studio 4, Flagey