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ticketshop become a friend
Flagey, architect Joseph Diongre

Our Privacy Policy

Version June 2024

The present policy defines and informs visitors on how ASBL FLAGEY, hereafter referred to as "FLAGEY", uses and protects the information transmitted to it and, more particularly, but without being exclusive, when the visitor uses the present website accessible via the following link:, hereafter referred to as the "website".

The present Privacy Policy may be amended or completed at any time by FLAGEY, in particular to comply with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological evolution. In such a case, the date of its update will be clearly identified at the beginning of this policy. These changes engage the visitor as soon as it is posted. The visitor is therefore invited to consult regularly the present privacy policy, as well as the rules on the use of cookies to take notice of any changes.


In general, it is possible to visit the website without communicating any personal information. In any case, the visitor is in no way bound to transmit this information to FLAGEY.

However, in certain situations where the information is not transmitted, the visitor may not be able to benefit from the services requested. Indeed, in order for the visitor to benefit from the services offered by FLAGEY, the latter may be required, in certain cases, to ask you to enter your last name, first name, addresses (e-mail and postal), hereafter referred to as the “personal information”. By giving this information, the visitor expressly agrees that it will be processed by FLAGEY, for the purposes indicated in item 2 mentioned below and for the purposes stated at the time of each request.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) dated April 14, 2016, FLAGEY informs you of the following:

1. Identity of the data processor

The data processor is

ASBL FLAGEY, rue du Belvédère 27/5 in 1050 Ixelles
Tél. + 32 (0)641 10 10

The data processor ensures that the personal data collected and processes are accurate and relevant. In addition to the above, it ensures that they comply with the applicable regulation and the present Privacy Policy

2. Collected data

FLAGEY collects the following personal data:

Language spoken – name – first name – postal address – email address – phone number – birth date – bank account – area of interests – web browser used – navigation mode used (PC or mobile).

3. Purposes of the processing

FLAGEY may process the personal information provided for the following purposes:

  • provide the information or services requested by the user (by email, by phone or postal mail) and adapted to it, and more particularly:

- sending the FLAGEY newsletter;
- statistics of FLAGEY physical visits and FLAGEY website visits;
- booking of events taking place at or organized by FLAGEY (purchase of tickets for participation to events, VIP invitations, private invitations);
- forward the various brochures announcing the events taking place at or organized by FLAGEY;

  • collect information enabling FLAGEY to improve the website, products and services (in particular by means of cookies);
  • allow the visitor to use the photo booth during events organized within the FLAGEY building;
  • allow the visitor to access the FLAGEY infrastructures in the best possible conditions;
  • contact the visitor about various events related to FLAGEY;
  • manage the activities of FLAGEY with regard to its legal obligations, the legislation relating to non-profit organizations, and the respect of its obligations imposed by the administrative authorities
  • ensure the monitoring of the information necessary for tracing in the context of epidemics and, in particular, in the context of Covid-19 monitoring

4. Recipient

FLAGEY is the only recipient of the personal data provided.

These data, whether in individual form or anonymized, can be transmitted to the subcontractors and partners that FLAGEY uses.

FLAGEY explicitly requests the visitor's consent for the transmission of personal information communicated to FLAGEY partners in the organization of events related to the social purpose of FLAGEY.

Neither FLAGEY, nor any of its subcontractors or partners, proceed to the selling of the personal data of the website and FLAGEY visitors.

In view of the foregoing, FLAGEY informs the visitor that its data are transmitted to the following third parties:

  • The manager of program ticketing used by FLAGEY to allow the visitor to purchase events tickets;
  • The manager of the mailing platform used by FLAGEY to transmit the electronic newsletters to the visitor;
  • to Google Analytics, via cookies, as set out below;
  • to Facebook, via Facebook Pixel, and this, only for visitors who have a Facebook account;
  • exclusively on specific agreement of the visitor: transmission of the information to the cultural partners of FLAGEY.
  • subject to any obligation imposed by Belgian legislation and/or Belgian or health authorities, with the explicit agreement of the visitor, to the federal and/or health authorities, with regard to the information necessary for tracing in the context of epidemics and, in particular, in the context of Covid-19 monitoring.

5. Duration of the data retention

The personal information are kept by FLAGEY only for the time corresponding to the purpose of the collection as above-mentioned. In any case, the data retention will not exceed 5 years after the last booking of an event by the visitor.

6. Rights of the visitor

The visitor benefits from the following rights, in accordance with the above-mentioned European regulation:

  • Access and communication right of data

The visitor has the right to access and consult his/her personal data, kept by FLAGEY. The visitor can also see how FLAGEY has obtained them and to whom they are communicated.

Given the obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data which is the responsibility of FLAGEY, the request by the visitor for access and consultation of the data will be treated under the condition to address the proof of identity including the production of an electronic or paper copy (accompanied by a signature) of his/her identity card during his/her period of validity. The request is, in any case, free for the visitor.

However, FLAGEY may object to manifestly abusive requests (by their number or their repetitive or systematic nature, for example).

  • Right to correct data

The European regulation allows the visitor to ask for the correction, the update or the deletion of his/her data, which could be incorrect, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete.

  • Right to object

The visitor has the right to object to the data processing in the following two situations: 

- When the exercise of this right is based on legitimate reasons; or
- When the exercise of this right aims to prevent the data collection from being used for commercial prospecting purposes.

  • Right to erase

The visitor has the right to ask and obtain the erasing of his/her data hold by FLAGEY.

FLAGEY will access the visitor’s request if

  • The personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected;
  • The data processing was exclusively based on the visitor’s consent and that the visitor withdraw his/her consent;
  • The visitor objects, for justified reasons, to the treatment.

In ieder geval kan FLAGEY het verzoek tot verwijdering weigeren indien het verzoek noodzakelijk is voor de uitoefening of verdediging van wettelijke rechten of voor het nakomen van een wettelijke of contractuele verplichting van FLAGEY.

  • Right to data portability

The visitor may request that his/her personal data be transmitted to a data controller identical to FLAGEY. The visitor can therefore ask FLAGEY to send the data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format.

  • Exercise of rights

The aforementioned rights can be exercised by sending a mail to the FLAGEY address or by sending an email to the following address:

7. Response time

FLAGEY will accede to the request of the visitor by answering in the same way as the one used for the exercise of his/her right by the visitor.

FLAGEY agrees to answer to any request of access, rectification or opposition, deletion or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period of time and in any case within a maximum period of 1 month from the reception of your request.

8. Persons entitled to consult the personal data

Only staff members and administrators of FLAGEY are authorized to consult the personal data, except for the application of item 3 above mentioned. These persons reasonably need the data because of their tasks and missions or the necessities related to the activity of FLAGEY.

9. Authorized service providers and transfer to a third country of the European Union

FLAGEY informs the visitor that he uses authorized service providers to facilitate the collection and processing of the data communicated. These providers may be located outside the European Union but are mainly located within the European Union.

FLAGEY has previously ensured the implementation by the providers of adequate guarantees and the respect of strict conditions regarding confidentiality, use and protection of data. In particular, vigilance was focused on the existence of a legal basis for any transfer of data to a third country.

10. Complaint to the competent authority

Flagey would like to resolve any possible difficulties related to the processing of personal data through dialogue. However, if this cannot be the case, the visitor has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. The Data Protection Authority is located at Rue de la presse 35, 1000 Brussels, and can be reached by telephone on +32 2 274 48 00 or by e-mail at


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